Doherty Finegan Kelly

An Ríocht, Scoil Chríost Rí, Boys National School, Caherdavin, Limerick
Client : Department of Education & Science
Architect : Drake Hourigan Architects
Contractor : Conor Kelly Builders
Quantity Surveyor : Patrick Molloy and Partners
M&E : Oliver G Shinners, Building Services Design
Winner of the RIAI Public choice Award 2019, An Ríocht is an extension to Scoil Chríost Rí National School located on the northside of Limerick City. It provides a two classroom Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) suite, central activities space, sensory garden and a new entrance courtyard & atrium space integrating the new building to the existing school building. The structural form typically consists of traditional load bearing masonry walls, suspended and ground bearing floor slabs, reinforced concrete isolated pad foundations, strip foundations and retaining wall foundations to suit the site gradients, timber flat roofs and steel framing to the raised central activity space. Prominent cantilever canopies and curved walls on the street side of the extension control and soften the external brick facades.