Doherty Finegan Kelly

O’Toole Transport, Warehouse Extension, Bay Lane, Dublin 15
Client : O’Toole Transport
Main Contractor : J & A Construction LTD
QS : Murtagh Surveyors
FSC/DAC/PSDP/BCAR/C&S : Doherty Finegan Kelly Consulting Engineers
Doherty Finegan Kelly (DFK) acted as the lead consultant in delivering an extension to an existing warehouse building on behalf of our client O’Toole Transport. The 50,000 sq. ft. extension included a cold store, cross dock storage area, ancillary offices and staff accommodation and mechanics workshop internally. External works included truck fueling area with associated pumps and storage tanks, surface car and truck parking, new cycle paths and footpaths onto Bay Lane with a vehicular access, a sub-station and all associated Engineering and site development works necessary to facilitate the proposed development. The structure comprises portal frame structural solution with ancillary office design and detailing and associated site development works. Doherty Finegan Kelly also provided the consultancy roles required for the Fire Safety Certificate (FSC), the Disability Access Cert (DAC), the Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) and the Assigned Certifier (AC) for BCAR requirements.